To the Samaritan woman after she says her people worship on the mountain, not in Jerusalem.
John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
John 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
Instead, it comes, a time, and, now, it exists, when the honest devotees might bow to the Father in spirit and honesty. Because also the Father desires such as this, those bowing down to him.
We must recognize that the Divine is the all high.
The word translated as "worship" means "to bow down before authority." It is the physical recognition that someone else is higher than yourself. This was and is done in worship, but the sense of the word it not quite the same.
Jesus uses the same preposition, "in," for "in spirit and truth" in this verse that he did earlier in John 4:21 for "on the mountain" and "in Jerusalem. And the object, "spirit" is in the same dative form, so the meaning is "in" or "within." In John 4:21, Jesus said that people will no longer bow down in a specific place. Here, the place is replaced with a sense of spiritual honesty and awareness. It is almost as if Jesus felt that people were bowing down to the place, rather than to God, out of tradition rather than real awareness. The point is the ending word, "to him" as opposed to the place. This sense is lost in the NIV translation.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" doesn't exist in the source.
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "shall" does not mean the future tense.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "in" doesn't exist in the source.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "also" is not shown in the English translation.
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "has" should be something more like "is."
- WT - Wrong Tense - The verb "has" indicates the past tense, but the tense is the present.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "come" doesn't exist in the source.
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "will" should be something more like "might."
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "in" doesn't exist in the source.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "also" is not shown in the English translation.
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "they" is not the common word usually translated as "they."
- WF - Wrong Form - The "they" is not the subject but the object, "those."
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "are" doesn't exist in the source.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The second "the" doesn't exist in the source.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "of" doesn't exist in the source.
- WF - Wrong Form - The "worshipers" is not a noun but a participle, "worshipping."
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "to him" is not shown in the English translation.
But -- The Greek word translated as "but" denotes an exception or simple opposition. It is used to emphasize the contrast between things like we use "rather." It is the Greek word "other" like we use "otherwise." Jesus often uses this conjunction to connect a negative clause, not doing something, with a positive one, "instead do this."
the-- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "the" in the Greek source.
hour - The word translated as "hour" means a period of time equal to the one-twelfth part of the daylight, like an "hour."
cometh, -- The word translated as "cometh" primarily means "to start out" but Christ usually uses it to mean "come" but not always. It indicates movement, especially its beginning, without indicating a direction toward or away from anything, so it works either as "start," "come," or "go," but it is more like our phrase "being underway." Our English word "show up" captures both the "start" and "come" ideas. See this article for more.
and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also").
now -- The Greek word translated as "now" means "now," "at the present moment,""presently," and "as it is."
is, -- The verb "is" here is the common form of "to be" in Greek. It means to have a certain characteristic or remain in a certain condition. It also equates terms or assigns characteristics.
when - "When" is from an adverb/conjunction that means "when," "as when," "at the time when," and "sometimes."
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more.
true - "True" is an adjective that means "truthful" and "trustworthy" when applied to a person, "true" and "genuine" when applied to objects and as an adverb "really" and honestly."
worshippers - "Worshippers" a noun meaning "worshipper" and "one who bows down." It is from the same root as the verb "worship."
shall -- (CW) This helping verb "shall" does not indicate the future tense, but that the verb describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice. A "might" or "should" in English is more appropriate, but is assumed in an "if/when/whoever/except" clause. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.
worship - - "Worship" is a verb that means "make obeisance," "fall down and worship," and specifically means to prostrate yourself before authority, as we would use the Chinese term, "kowtow."
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more.
Father -- "Father" is the Greek noun that means "father" or any male ancestor so "forefathers." It is the word that Christ uses to address his own Father.
in -- The word translated as "in" means "in," "within," "with" (an instrument), "during" (time), or "among" with a dative object as the one here. With the accusative, it means "into," "on," and "for." When referring to time, it means "during." It can mean "on," "at," or "by" in the sense of "near."
spirit -- The word translated as "spirit" primarily means "breath," "wind," a "non-material being," and "blast." Like "spirit" in English, it can also mean "attitude" or "motivation.' It also means the "breath of life," from which we get to "spirit" and "spiritual." Its meaning as "the breath of life" is brought out by the idea of creating life. Its meaning as "spiritual" is brought out by the contrast with "physical." Read more about this word in this article on the holy spirit.
and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also").
in-- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "in" in the Greek source.
truth: -- The literal meaning of the Greek word for "truth" is "not hidden," and it means what is real as opposed to how things seem.
for --The word translated as "for" introduces a reason or explanation so "because" and, in questions, "why." However, since this word always appears in the second position, it is more like an aside remark like, "consequently" or "as a cause."
missing "also" -- (MW) The untranslated word "also" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also").
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more.
Father -- "Father" is the Greek noun that means "father" or any male ancestor so "forefathers." It is the word that Christ uses to address his own Father.
seeketh -- The Greek verb translated as "seeketh" has a variety of meanings around the idea of "searching" and "desiring." It has a sense of seeking with a specific aim.
such -- "Such" is an adjective that means "such as this," "so great a thing," "such a condition," "such a reason," "and suchlike." Jesus used this word eight times. Five of those times, he is describing children.
to -- (WF) This "to" is added because the infinitive form of the verb requires a "to" in English. However, the verb here is not an infinitive but a participle.
missing "the" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more.
worship- - "Worship" is a verb that means "make obeisance," "fall down and worship," and specifically means to prostrate yourself before authority, as we would use the Chinese term, "kowtow." This word is a plural participle preceded by an article, so it should be "those bowing,"
him. - -- The word translated as "him" is the Greek word commonly translated as third-person pronouns in English.
Yet -- The Greek word translated as "but" denotes an exception or simple opposition. It is used to emphasize the contrast between things like we use "rather." It is the Greek word "other" like we use "otherwise." Jesus often uses this conjunction to connect a negative clause, not doing something, with a positive one, "instead do this."
a -- There is no indefinite article in Greek, but when a word doesn't have a definite article, the indefinite article can be added in English translation.
time - The word translated as "time " means a period of time equal to the one-twelfth part of the daylight, like an "hour."
is -- This helping verb indicates the present tense of the verb.
coming -- The word translated as "coming" primarily means "to start out" but Christ usually uses it to mean "come" but not always. It indicates movement, especially its beginning, without indicating a direction toward or away from anything, so it works either as "start," "come," or "go," but it is more like our phrase "being underway." Our English word "show up" captures both the "start" and "come" ideas. See this article for more.
and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also").
has -- (WW, WT) The verb "has" here is the common form of "to be" in Greek. It means to have a certain characteristic or remain in a certain condition. It also equates terms or assigns characteristics. The tense is the present, not the past.
now -- The Greek word translated as "now" means "now," "at the present moment,""presently," and "as it is."
come -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "come" here in the Greek source.
when - "When" is from an adverb/conjunction that means "when," "as when," "at the time when," and "sometimes."
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more.
true - "True" is an adjective that means "truthful" and "trustworthy" when applied to a person, "true" and "genuine" when applied to objects and as an adverb "really" and honestly."
worshippers - "Worshippers" a noun meaning "worshipper" and "one who bows down." It is from the same root as the verb "worship."
will -- (WW) This helping verb "will " does not indicate the future tense, but that the verb describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice. A "might" or "should" in English is more appropriate, but is assumed in an "if/when/whoever/except" clause. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.
worship - - "Worship" is a verb that means "make obeisance," "fall down and worship," and specifically means to prostrate yourself before authority, as we would use the Chinese term, "kowtow."
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more.
Father -- "Father" is the Greek noun that means "father" or any male ancestor so "forefathers." It is the word that Christ uses to address his own Father.
in -- The word translated as "in" means "in," "within," "with" (an instrument), "during" (time), or "among" with a dative object as the one here. With the accusative, it means "into," "on," and "for." When referring to time, it means "during." It can mean "on," "at," or "by" in the sense of "near."
Spirit -- The word translated as "spirit" primarily means "breath," "wind," a "non-material being," and "blast." Like "spirit" in English, it can also mean "attitude" or "motivation.' It also means the "breath of life," from which we get to "spirit" and "spiritual." Its meaning as "the breath of life" is brought out by the idea of creating life. Its meaning as "spiritual" is brought out by the contrast with "physical." Read more about this word in this article on the holy spirit.
and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also").
in-- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "in" in the Greek source.
truth: -- The literal meaning of the Greek word for "truth" is "not hidden," and it means what is real as opposed to how things seem.
for --The word translated as "for" introduces a reason or explanation so "because" and, in questions, "why." However, since this word always appears in the second position, it is more like an aside remark like, "consequently" or "as a cause."
missing "also" -- (MW) The untranslated word "also" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also").
they -- (CW, WF) The word translated as "they" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. This word is not the word usually translated as pronoun and it is not the subject of the sentence, but its object.
are -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "are" here in the Greek source.
the -- (IW) The"the" here was translated as "they" above. There is not second article in the Greek source.
kind -- "Such" is an adjective that means "such as this," "so great a thing," "such a condition," "such a reason," "and suchlike." Jesus used this word eight times. Five of those times, he is describing children.
of - - (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "of" here in the Greek source.
worshipers - (WF) "Worshipers" is a verb that means "make obeisance," "fall down and worship," and specifically means to prostrate yourself before authority, as we would use the Chinese term, "kowtow." This word is a plural participle preceded by an article, so it should be "those bowing," It is not the noun form used above.
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more.
Father -- "Father" is the Greek noun that means "father" or any male ancestor so "forefathers." It is the word that Christ uses to address his own Father.
seeks -- The Greek verb translated as "seeks" has a variety of meanings around the idea of "searching" and "desiring." It has a sense of seeking with a specific aim.
missing "him" -- (MW) The untranslated word "him" is the Greek word commonly translated as third-person pronouns in English.
ἀλλὰ [154 verses](conj) "But" is alla, which means "otherwise," "but," "still," "at least," "except," "yet," nevertheless," "rather," "moreover," and "nay."
ἔρχεται [198 verses](3rd sg pres ind mp) "Come" is erchomai, which means "to start," "to set out," "to come," "to go," and any kind of motion. It means both "to go" on a journey and "to arrive" at a place.
ὥρα [37 verses](noun sg fem nom ) "Hour" is hora, which means "any period," "season," (especially springtime), "year' (generally), "climate" (as determined by seasons), "duration," "the twelve equal parts into which the period of daylight was divided," "the fitting time" (for a task).
καὶ [1089 verses](conj/adv) "And" is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and," or "also." After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also." Also used to give emphasis, "even," "also," and "just."
νῦν [31 verses](adv) "Now" is nyn (nun), which means "now," "at the present moment," "at the present time," "just now," "presently," and "as it is."
ἐστίν.[614 verses](3rd sg pres ind act) "Is" is eimi, which means "to be," "to exist," "to be the case," of circumstance and events "to happen," and "is possible." With the genitive object, the sense is "belongs to." It can also mean "must" with a dative.
ὅτε [19 verses](adv/conj) "When" is hote, which means "when," "as when," "at the time when," and "sometimes." - "Then" is from an adverb/conjunction that means "when," "as when," "at the time when," and "sometimes."
οἱ [821 verses](article pl masc nom) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more.
ἀληθινοὶ [8 verses](adj pl masc nom) "True" is from alethinos, which is an adjective that means "truthful" and "trustworthy" when applied to a person, "true" and "genuine" when applied to objects and as an adverb "really" and "honestly."
προσκυνηταὶ [1 verse](noun pl masc nom)"Worshippers" is from proskynētēs, which means "worshipper" and "one who bows down."
προσκυνήσουσιν [7 verses](3rd pl aor subj act) "Worship" is proskyneo, which means "make obeisance," "fall down and worship," and specifically means to prostrate yourself before authority, as we would use the Chinese term, "kowtow."
τῷ [821 verses](article sg masc dat) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the").
πατρί [191 verses](noun sg masc dat) "The Father" is pater, which means "father," "grandfather," "author," "parent," and "forefathers."
ἐν [413 verses](prep) "In" is en, which means, with a dative object, "in," "on," "at," "by," "among," "within," "surrounded by," "in one's hands," "in one's power," "during," and "with." With the accusative, it means "into," "on," and "for." Referring to time, it means. "in the course of" or "during."
πνεύματι [40 verses](noun sg neut dat) "Spirit" is pneuma, which means "blast," "wind," "breath," "the breath of life," "divine inspiration," "a spiritual or immaterial being," and "the spirit" of a man.
καὶ [1089 verses](conj/adv) "And" is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and," or "also." After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also." Also used to give emphasis, "even," "also," and "just."
ἀληθείᾳ, [19 verses] (noun sg fem dat) "Truth" is aletheia, which means literally "the state of not being hidden," means "truth" and "reality" as opposed to appearances. -- The literal meaning of the Greek word for "truth" is "not hidden," and it means what is real as opposed to how things seem.
καὶ [1089 verses](conj/adv) "Untranslated is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and," or "also." After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also." Also used to give emphasis, "even," "also," and "just."
γὰρ [205 verses](partic) "For" comes from gar which is the introduction of a clause explaining a reason or explanation: "for," "since," and "as." In an abrupt question, it means "why" and "what."
ὁ [821 verses](article sg masc nom) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the").
πατὴρ [191 verses](noun sg masc nom) "The Father" is pater, which means "father," "grandfather," "author," "parent," and "forefathers."
τοιοῦτο [8 verses](adj sg neut acc) "Such" is from toioutos, which means "such as this," "so great a thing," "such a condition," "such a reason," "and suchlike."
ζητεῖ [36 verses](3rd sg pres ind act) "Seeketh" is zeteo, which means "inquire for," "search for," "seek after," "desire," and "feel the want of."
τοὺς [821 verses](article pl masc acc ) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the").
προσκυνοῦντας [7 verses] (part pl pres act masc acc) "To worship" is proskyneo, which means "make obeisance," "fall down and worship," and specifically means to prostrate yourself before authority, as we would use the Chinese term, "kowtow."
αὐτόν [720 verses](adj sg masc acc) "Him" is autos, which means "the same," and the reflexive pronouns, "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," or the oblique case of the pronouns, "him," "her," and "it."