Jesus addresses the apostles.
Luke 9:27 But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:27 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”
I, however, tell you really, there are some, those having stood here, who might never taste of death until they possibly, might see the realm of the Divine.
We can see the realm of the Divine before we die.
"Of a truth/truly" is a Greek adverb not commonly used by Jesus in the other Synoptic Gospels. It is used frequently by all the Gospel writers, but it only appears in Luke three times to replace the Aramaic word ("amen") that Jesus uses in the other versions of these verses. John does have Jesus using it, but only in the sense of "indeed". Here, the sense of this adverb is more "really."
The "be/are standing" may look like an English progressive verb form, but it isn't. The "be/are" is the active verb. It is separated from "standing" by an untranslated definite article. The "standing" is in the past perfect tense so "those having stood here" is the phrase.
The last phrase about seeing the kingdom is lot more uncertain. Jesus says "until they possibly, might see," so it is far from certain.
There is an untranslated word here that means "might", "should," or "could" and goes with the form of the "see" verb.
The verb translated as "they see" means "to see" but it is used like we use the word "see" to mean "to know" or "to perceive."
The word translated as "kingdom" can be the region, the reign, the castle or the authority of a ruler. Christ does not seem to use it to mean a physical region, so its translation as "reign" or "realm" seems more appropriate. This is especially true because the "reign" of a king means the execution of his will. More about this term in this article.
The word translated as "God" means "God" and "deity." It is introduced with an article, so "the God" or "the Divine". Jesus often uses it this way perhaps to indicate the one God as opposed to the pagan gods.
- IP - Inserted Phrase-- The "of a" doesn't exist in the source.
- WF -- Wrong Form - This "truth" is not a noun but an adverb.
- WN --Wrong Number- The word "be" is translated as singular but the Greek word is plural.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "those" before "standing" is not shown in the English translation.
- WT --Wrong Tense - The English verb "standing" is not the present tense, but Greek is in the past perfect, a completed action, "having stood."
- CW - Confusing Word - This "shall" does not indicate the future tense, but describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice.
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "not" does not capture the word's specific meaning.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "possibly" is not shown in the English translation.
- WF -- Wrong Form -- This verb "see" is in the form of possibility, a subjunctive, which requires a "should" or "might" when outside of a "when/if/whoever" clause.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "God" is not shown in the English translation.
- CW --Confusing Word -- This is not the common word usually translated as "truly."
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "but" is not shown in the English translation.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "those" before "standing" is not shown in the English translation.
- WT --Wrong Tense - The English verb "standing" is not the present tense, but Greek is in the past perfect, a completed action, "having stood."
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "will" should be something more like "should."
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "not" does not capture the word's specific meaning.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "possibly" is not shown in the English translation.
- WF -- Wrong Form -- This verb "see" is in the form of possibility, a subjunctive, which requires a "should" or "might" when outside of a "when/if/whoever" clause.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "God" is not shown in the English translation.
But -- The Greek word translated as "but" means "but," "however," and "on the other hand." It joins phrases in an adversarial way. Since it always falls in the second position, translating it as "however" often captures its feeling better.
I -- This is from the first-person, singular form of the following verb.
tell -- The word translated as "tell " is the most common word that means "to say," and "to speak," but it also means "to teach," which seems to be the way Christ uses it more frequently. It also has many ancillary meanings such as "to count" ("to number" or like we might say, "to recount" a story) or "to choose for yourself." Christ usually uses this word to refer to his own speaking or teaching. The form of the verb could also be a possible action, "might say" or "should say."
you, -- The Greek pronoun "you" here is plural and in the form of an indirect object, "to you," "for you," etc.
of a -- (IP) There is nothing that can be translated as this phrase in the Greek source.
truth, -- (WF) "Truth" is an adverb that means "actually," "really," "truly," and "obviously." It is from the adjective meaning "unconcealed" that is usually translated as "true." It is not commonly used by Jesus in Matthew and Mark. Luke used it to replace the Aramaic word amen ("truly"). This is not a noun but an adverb.
there -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.
be -- (WN)The verb "be" here is the common form of "to be" in Greek. It means to have a certain characteristic or remain in a certain condition. It also equates terms or assigns characteristics. The word also means "to exist" and where it doesn't connect to characteristics or conditions. This word is not singular but plural.
some -- The Greek word translated as "some" in the singular means "anyone," "someone," "something," and "anything." The same forms are used both for the masculine or feminine so "anyone" works best for a person. In the plural, it means "everyone," "some," "they," and "those." Jesus often uses it to start a question so it means "who," "what," or even "why."
- missing "those" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article," the," which usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," and "those"). See this article for more.
standing -- (WT) The verb translated as "standing" is a "multiple meaning" verb. It means "to make stand," "to set up," "to establish and similar words in the active form. In the passive and when the active form doesn't have an object, it means "to be placed," "to stand," and "to stand firm." Like the English words "put" and "set," it has a number of specific meanings from "to put down [in writing]," "to bury," "to establish," "to make," "to cause," and "to assign." This is a word Jesus uses because of its multiple meanings. This is not the present but the past perfect tense, "has been."
here, -- The word translated as "here" in its adverbial form, means "just here" or "exactly there."
which -- The word translated as "which" is a demonstrative pronoun ("this" "that"), but it often acts as a pronoun, "he," "she," "it," "which," "what," "who," "whosoever," "where," "when," "for which reason," and many similar meanings.
shall -- (CW) This helping verb "shall" does not indicate the future tense, but that the verb describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice. A "might" or "should" in English is more appropriate but is assumed in an "if/when/whoever/except" clause. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.
not -- (CW) The "not" here is both of the Greek negatives used together. Greek has two negatives, one objective, one subjective. The use of both together is more extreme, like saying, "never" or literally, "you cannot really think." When a negative precedes the verb, it affects the whole clause. When it precedes other words, its force is limited to those words.
taste - "Taste" is a verb that means "to taste," "to feel," and "to experience."
of -- This word "of" comes from the genitive case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession.
death, -- "Death" is the Greek word meaning "death" generally and the death penalty specifically.
till -- The word translated as "until" means "until" but it also means "till," "while," "as long as," "in order that." With the particle of possibility and the subjunctive form of the verb, the sense is until some unknown time.
they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.
missing "possibly" -- (MW) The untranslated word is a particle used with verbs to indicate that the action is limited by circumstances or defined by conditions. There is no exact equivalent in English but "possibly" is close. This word works similarly to the "might" or "should" of a subjunctive verb, but we don't want to confuse it with the subjunctive so using "possibly" provides a consistent translation.
missing "should" or "might"-- (WF) A helping verb is necessary because the following verb is a verb of possibility, a subjunctive, something that "should" or "might" occur. The helping verb is not needed in a clause beginning with an "if," "when," "whoever" and other conditional clauses.
see -- The verb translated as "knoweth" means "to see" but it is used like we use the word "see" to mean "to know" or "to perceive." In th KJV, it is almost translated as many times as "know" as it is "see."
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
kingdom -- The word translated as "kingdom" can be the region, the reign, the castle or the authority of a ruler. Christ does not seem to use it to mean a physical region, so its translation as "reign" or "realm" seems more appropriate. This is especially true because the "reign" of a king means the execution of his will.
of -- This word comes from the genitive case of the following word(s) that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
missing "the" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
God. -- The word translated as "God" means "God" and "deity." It is introduced with an article, so "the God." Jesus often uses it this way perhaps to indicate the one God as opposed to the pagan gods.
“Truly -- (CW) "Truly" is an adverb that means "actually," "really," "truly," and "obviously." It is from the adjective meaning "unconcealed" that is usually translated as "true." It is not commonly used by Jesus in Matthew and Mark. Luke used it to replace the Aramaic word amen ("truly"). This is not the "truly" that usually begins Jesus's verses.
missing "but" -- (MW) The untranslated word "but" means "but," "however," and "on the other hand." It joins phrases in an adversarial way. Since it always falls in the second position, translating it as "however" often captures its feeling better.
I -- This is from the first-person, singular form of the following verb.
tell -- The word translated as "tell " is the most common word that means "to say," and "to speak," but it also means "to teach," which seems to be the way Christ uses it more frequently. It also has many ancillary meanings such as "to count" ("to number" or like we might say, "to recount" a story) or "to choose for yourself." Christ usually uses this word to refer to his own speaking or teaching. The form of the verb could also be a possible action, "might say" or "should say."
you, -- The Greek pronoun "you" here is plural and in the form of an indirect object, "to you," "for you," etc.
some -- The Greek word translated as "some" in the singular means "anyone," "someone," "something," and "anything." The same forms are used both for the masculine or feminine so "anyone" works best for a person. In the plural, it means "everyone," "some," "they," and "those." Jesus often uses it to start a question so it means "who," "what," or even "why."
who -- The word translated as "who" is a demonstrative pronoun ("this" "that"), but it often acts as a pronoun, "he," "she," "it," "which," "what," "who," "whosoever," "where," "when," "for which reason," and many similar meanings.
are - The verb "are" here is the common form of "to be" in Greek. It means to have a certain characteristic or remain in a certain condition. It also equates terms or assigns characteristics. The word also means "to exist" and where it doesn't connect to characteristics or conditions. This word is not singular but plural.
- missing "those" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article," the," which usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," and "those"). See this article for more.
standing -- (WT) The verb translated as "standing" is a "multiple meaning" verb. It means "to make stand," "to set up," "to establish and similar words in the active form. In the passive and when the active form doesn't have an object, it means "to be placed," "to stand," and "to stand firm." Like the English words "put" and "set," it has a number of specific meanings from "to put down [in writing]," "to bury," "to establish," "to make," "to cause," and "to assign." This is a word Jesus uses because of its multiple meanings. This is not the present but the past perfect tense, "has been."
here, -- The word translated as "here" in its adverbial form, means "just here" or "exactly there."
will -- (WW) This helping verb indicates that the verb is the future tense, but it isn't. It is in the form of possibility so it needs a "should" or "might."
not -- (CW) The "not" here is both of the Greek negatives used together. Greek has two negatives, one objective, one subjective. The use of both together is more extreme, like saying, "never" or literally, "you cannot really think." When a negative precedes the verb, it affects the whole clause. When it precedes other words, its force is limited to those words.
taste - Taste" is a verb that means "to taste," "to feel," and "to experience."
death, -- "Death" is the Greek word meaning "death" generally and the death penalty specifically.
before -- The word translated as "before" means "until" but it also means "till," "while," "as long as," "in order that." With the particle of possibility and the subjunctive form of the verb, the sense is until some unknown time.
they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.
missing "possibly" -- (MW) The untranslated word is a particle used with verbs to indicate that the action is limited by circumstances or defined by conditions. There is no exact equivalent in English but "possibly" is close. This word works similarly to the "might" or "should" of a subjunctive verb, but we don't want to confuse it with the subjunctive so using "possibly" provides a consistent translation.
missing "should" or "might"-- (WF) A helping verb is necessary because the following verb is a verb of possibility, a subjunctive, something that "should" or "might" occur. The helping verb is not needed in a clause beginning with an "if," "when," "whoever" and other conditional clauses.
see -- The verb translated as "knoweth" means "to see" but it is used like we use the word "see" to mean "to know" or "to perceive." In th KJV, it is almost translated as many times as "know" as it is "see."
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
kingdom -- The word translated as "kingdom" can be the region, the reign, the castle or the authority of a ruler. Christ does not seem to use it to mean a physical region, so its translation as "reign" or "realm" seems more appropriate. This is especially true because the "reign" of a king means the execution of his will.
of -- This word comes from the genitive case of the following word(s) that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
missing "the" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
God. -- The word translated as "God" means "God" and "deity." It is introduced with an article, so "the God." Jesus often uses it this way perhaps to indicate the one God as opposed to the pagan gods.
Λέγω [264 verses](1st sg pres ind act/subj) "I say" is lego, which means "to recount," "to tell over," "to say," "to speak," "to teach," "to mean," "boast of," "tell of," "recite," nominate," and "command." It has a secondary meaning "pick out," "choose for oneself," "pick up," "gather," "count," and "recount." A less common word that is spelled the same means "to lay," "to lay asleep" and "to lull asleep."
δὲ [446 verses](conj) "But" is de which means "but" and "on the other hand." It is the particle that joins sentences in an adversarial way but can also be an explanation of indirect cause ("so"). In an "if" (εἰ ) clause or temporal "when" (ὅταν) clause the sense is "if/when... then." In a series begun by men, its means "on the other hand." In a listing, the sense is "then" or "yet." After an interruption, "so then." It can also be an explanation of cause ("so"). When used with a conditional starting a clause, the sense is "if/when...then." When used with a particle meaning "indeed" the sense is "on one hand...on the other hand." In a listing, the sense is "then" or "yet." After an interruption, "so then."
ὑμῖν, [289 verses](pron 2nd pl dat) "To you" is humin the plural form of su the pronoun of the second person, "you."
ἀληθῶς,[8 verses] (adv) "Of a truth" is alethos, an adverb that means "actually," "really," "truly," and "obviously." It is from the adjective meaning "unconcealed" that is usually translated as "true."
εἰσίν [614 verses] (verb 3rd pl pres ind act) "There be" " is eimi, which means "to be," "to exist," "to be the case," of circumstance and events "to happen," and "is possible." With the possessive (genitive) object, it means "is descended from," "is the type of," "belongs to," "is made of," "is a duty of," "is at the mercy of," or " is dependent on." With an indirect (dative) object, it means "have" where the subject and object are reversed. "It is to him" becomes "it is his" or "he has it." With the preposition,"into" (εἰς), the sense is "consist of." When the verb "to be" appears early in the clause before the subject, the sense is more like "it is" or, in the plural, "there are."
τινες [252 verses](pron pl masc nom) "Some" is tis, which can mean "someone," "something," "any one," "everyone," "they [indefinite]," "many a one," "whoever," "anyone," "anything," "some sort," "some sort of," "each," "any," "the individual," "such," and so on. In a question, it can mean "who," "why," or "what." Plural, "who are" is τίνες ἐόντες. It has specific meanings with certain prepositions, διὰ τί; for what reason? ἐκ τίνος; from what cause? ἐς τί; to what point? to what end?
τῶν [821 verses](article pl masc gen) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). It usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. When not preceding a a word that can become a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones." Proper nouns do normally not take articles but they are needed when the noun ending cannot be changed to show the noun's role in the sentence as an object, indirect object, or genitive (possessive) form. However, the Greek article is very close to "this" so the purpose of an article like this can also be demonstrative. See this article.
αὐτοῦ [142 verses](adv) "Here" is autou, is an adverb that means "just here" or "exactly there."
ἑστηκότων [28 verses](part pl perf act masc gen) "Standing" is histemi, which means "to make to stand," , "to set up," "to bring to a standstill," "to check," "to appoint," "to establish," "to set upright," "to erected,""to fix by agreement," and "to place." In the passive, it means "to be placed," "to be set," "to stand," "to stand still," "to stand firm," "to arise."
οἳ [294 verses](pron pl masc nom) "Which" is hos, which means "this," "that," "he," "she," "it," "which," "what," "who," "whosoever," "where," "when," " "for which reason," and many similar meanings.
οὐ μὴ [39 verses](partic) "Never" is ou me, the two forms of Greek negative used together. Ou is the negative adverb for facts and statements, negating both single words and sentences. Mê (me) is the negative used in prohibitions and expressions of doubt meaning "not" and "no." As οὐ (ou) negates fact and statement; μή rejects, οὐ denies; μή is relative, οὐ absolute; μή subjective, οὐ objective.
γεύσωνται [4 verses] (verb 3rd pl aor subj mid) "Shall taste" is geuomai, which means "to taste," "to take food," "to make proof of," "to feel," and "to experience."
θανάτου [15 verses] (noun sg masc gen) "Death" is thanatos, which means "death" "kinds of death," specifically, "violent death," "corpse," and "a death sentence."
ἕως [63 verses](conj) "While" is heos which means "until," "till," "while," "as long as," and "in order that" and "up to the point that."
ἂν [60 verses](particle) Untranslated is an, which is a particle used with verbs to indicate that the action is limited by circumstances or defined by conditions. There is no exact equivalent in English, but it is translated as "possibly," "would have," "might," "should," and "could." Its meaning is largely determined by the verb form but "would have" is the most common, even when not with a subjunctive verb.
ἴδωσιν [166 verses] (verb 3rd pl aor subj act) "They see" is eido which means "to see," "to examine," "to perceive," "to behold," "to know how to do," "to see with the mind's eye," and "to know."
τὴν [821 verses](article sg fem acc ) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"), which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones." -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
βασιλείαν[98 verses](noun sg fem acc ) "Kingdom" is basileia, which means "kingdom", "dominion", "hereditary monarchy", "kingly office," (passive) "being ruled by a king," and "reign."
τοῦ [821 verses] (article) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"), which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones."
θεοῦ. [144 verses]( noun sg masc gen ) "God" is theos, which means "God," "divine," and "Deity." -- The word translated as "God" means "God" and "deity." It is introduced with an article, so "the God." Jesus often uses it this way perhaps to indicate the one God as opposed to the pagan gods.
Here, the phrase starting the verse in Matthew 16:28 and Mark 9:1 is the very common one translated as "amen, I say to you" or "verily, I say to you." Its vocabulary and meaning are discussed in detail in this article. While the phrase appears a few times in Luke, it is common in the other Gospels, including John, where it often doubles up the "verily" instead of eliminating it. In Luke, in most cases, such as here, it is eliminated or changed.