Spoken about and then to the paralyzed youth brought to him.
Luke 5:24 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.
Luke 5:24 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins. I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.
So that, however, you should know that the son of the man has power upon the earth to let go of mistakes: to you, I say: Awake, and, lifting that litter of yous, depart into that house of yours.
While on earth, Jesus had authority over certain things.
ἵνα δὲ εἰδῆτε ὅτι ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐξουσίαν ἔχει ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς
So that, however, you should know that the son of the man power has upon the earth
ἀφιέναι ἁμαρτίας Σοὶ λέγω, ἔγειρε καὶ ἄρας τὸ κλινίδιόν σου πορεύου εἰς τὸν οἶκόν σου.
to let go of mistakes: To you, I say: Awake, and, lifting that litter of yous, depart into that house of yours.
The funny thing here is that Jesus says his challengers "know" his authority using a word that means "have seen." Walking is something they can see, but they cannot see letting go of mistakes. The verb is in the form of possibility, "might see," suggesting that they might not be able to see divine authority in this wonder. Of course, they did not.
The "upon the earth" phrase here modifies "man" in the phrase, "the son of the man." It doesn't modify "power" as translated. The sense is more that while the son of the man is on earth, he has this power. This is different than the version in Mark which moves the "upon the earth" after the word for "power/authority."
But that ye may know that the Son of (MW) man hath power upon(WP) (MW) earth to forgive(WW) sins(CW), I say unto thee, Arise, and [take up(WF)] thy (MW) couch, and(IW) go into thine (MW) house.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "man" is not shown in the English translation.
- WP -- Wrongly Placed -- The word "upon" doesn't appear after "earth" but after "man."
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "earth" is not shown in the English translation.
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "forgive" should be "let go."
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "sins" does not capture the word's general meaning.
- WF -- Wrong Form - The "take up" is not an active verb but a participle, "lifting."
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the/this" before "couch" is not shown in the English translation.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "and" doesn't exist in the source.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "house" is not shown in the English translation.
But I want(WW) you(WF) to know(WF) that the Son of (MW) Man has authority on(WP) (MW) earth to forgive(WW) sins(CW). I tell you, get up, take(WF) your (MW) mat and(IW) go (MW) (MW) (MW) home.
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "want" should be something more like "should."
- WF -- Wrong Form - The "you" is not the object of the verb but the subject, "you."
- WF --Wrong Form - The "to know" is not an infinitive, but an active verb, " know."
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "man" is not shown in the English translation.
- WP -- Wrongly Placed -- The word "on" doesn't appear after "earth" but after "man."
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "earth" is not shown in the English translation.
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "forgive" should be "let go."
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "sins" does not capture the word's general meaning.
- WF -- Wrong Form - The "take " is not an active verb but a participle, "lifting."
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the/this" before "mat" is not shown in the English translation.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "and" doesn't exist in the source.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "into" is not shown in the English translation.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "your" is not shown in the English translation.
- MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "house" is not shown in the English translation.
But - The Greek word translated as "but" joins phrases in an adversarial way. Since it always falls in the second position, translating it as "however" often captures its feeling better.
that - The word translated as "that" is a word that means "there", "where," and "in order that."
ye -- This is from the second-person, plural form of the verb.
may -- This helping verb "may" indicates that the verb indicates a possibility. Helping or auxiliary verbs are needed to translate the Greek verb forms into English.
know -- -- The word translated as "know" means primarily "to see" and is used to mean "know' as we use the word "see" to mean "know" in English. It is the past perfect tense so "have seen" but it is translated as the present tense of "know." What someone "has seen" is what they "know" in the present.
that The second "that" is a different word from the first "that." This one introduces a statement of fact or cause.
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
Son -- The phrase "the son of man" is the common way Christ refers to himself. It is discussed in detail in this article. Its sense is "the child of the man." The word translated as "son" more generally means "child" or "descendant". The Greek word for "of man" in the singular means "person" and "humanity" and "people" and "peoples" in the plural.
of -- This word "of" comes from the genitive case of the following word that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
missing "the" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
man - The Greek word for "man" means "man", "person" and "humanity" in the singular. In the plural, it means "men", "people", and "peoples".
hath - The word translated as "hath" means "to possess" or "to keep" but it isn't used in the same way as a "helper" verb that the English "have" is.
power - The term translated as "power" isn't the "power" of skill or energy but of authority, control, and the ability to make a decision. This is the "power" that comes down through channels of authority. This word also does not have an article ("the") in front of it, so it is "a power" not "the power".
on -- (WP) The word translated as "on" is a preposition that "upon", "at," or "against."The phrase "on earth" doesn't follow the word translated as "power", nor does it seem to modify that word. It follows the phrase, "the son of the man." However, in Mark 2:10 it does follower "
missing "the" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
earth - The word translated as "earth" means the physical planet or ground, not society. Christ uses this word as the opposite of "the sky", which is the realm of that which is beyond nature. Normally, Christ discusses authority as part of human society, translated as "the world" in the KJV. See this article for more on these words.
to -- This "to" is added because the infinitive form of the verb requires a "to" in English
forgive - (WW) The word translated as "forgive" primarily means "to let go" or "to send away." This same word is usually translated as "leave", "forgive", "suffer," and "let" in the New Testament. See the article before on the concept of "forgiving sins".
sins - (CW) The word translated as "sin" is a form of a word that means "to fail in one's purpose", "to neglect," and "to be deprived of." It has no sense of doing malicious evil in Greek. The best English translation is "mistake," "fault," or "failure" rather than what we commonly think of as the evils of "sin." See this article for more information and context.
I-- This is from the first-person, singular form of the verb.
say - The word translated as "I tell" is the most common word that means "to say," "to tell," and "to speak," but when used with an objective noun or pronoun, the sense is "say of" or "speak of." When two accusative objects are used, the sense is "say of him this," or "call him this." The form Jesus uses to describe his own speaking can be either indicative, "I say/tell" or subjunctive, "I should/could say/tell." It also has many ancillary meanings such as "to count" ("to number" or like we might say, "to recount" a story) or "to choose for yourself."
unto -- This word "to" comes from the dative case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is a "to" for the English indirect object.
thee, -- The word for "you" is the indirect object form of the singular, second-person pronoun in the form of an indirect object, which usually requires a preposition in English, like "to you."
Arise, -- The word for "arise" means "awaken" and is the same word Christ uses to describe God raising the dead and false prophets arising.
and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also"). In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also." After words implying sameness "as."
take up -- (WF) "Take up" is one of Christ's favorite "multiple meaning" words. It is a verb that means "to raise up," "elevate," "to bear," "to carry off," "to take and apply to any use," "lifted" in the sense of "removed," and "to cause to cease." Jesus uses this verb to refer to what will happen to "the son of man," which can apply either to his being raised from the dead or lifted up on the cross. The verb also came to mean "remove" in the same way we describe stealing as "shoplifting." This word is a participle, not an active verb.
thy -- The word translated as "your" is the genitive form of the singular, second-person pronoun, which is most commonly the possessive form. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."
missing "the/this" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article," the," which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," and "those"). See this article for more.
couch, - The word translated as "couch" is the diminutive form of the word for bed, which means "that on which one lies," but it also means a "grave-niche." This word is rare for Christ to use, only appearing in Luke. The sense is a "litter" or "cot."
and -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "and" in the Greek source.
go -- The Greek verb translated as "go" is the most common verb translated as "go" in the NT. This word means "to lead over," "depart," and "to carry over." However, this word uniquely means "to pursue a course" and "to depart from life." In the active voice, it means "made to go" or "carried over" but in the passive or middle, its normal form, the subject is either being taken or taking himself. Jesus also uses it for a play on words referring to its "depart from life" meaning.
into -- The word translated as "into" means "into" a place, "towards" as a direction, "as much as (of measure or limit)," "in regards to" a subject,"up to" limits in time and measure, and "for" a purpose or object.
thine -- The word translated as "your" is the genitive form of the singular, second-person pronoun, which is most commonly the possessive form. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours." As a genitive object of a preposition, as here, it means a movement away from something or a position away from something else.
missing "the/this" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article," the," which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," and "those"). See this article for more.
house. -- The Greek word translated as "house," is any dwelling place but not exclusively a separate house. It means the household or clan that lives in the building as well.
But - The Greek word translated as "but" joins phrases in an adversarial way. Since it always falls in the second position, translating it as "however" often captures its feeling better.
that - The word translated as "that" is a word that means "there", "where," and "in order that."
I want - (WW) This should be a helping verb "should" that indicates that the verb indicates a possibility. Helping or auxiliary verbs are needed to translate the Greek verb forms into English.
you -- (WF) This is from the second-person, plural form of the verb. However, in this sentence, the "you" is the object of "want" instead of the subject of "know."
to -- (WF) This "to" is added because the infinitive form of the verb requires a "to" in English. However, that is not the form of the following verb.
know -- The word translated as "know" means primarily "to see" and is used to mean "know' as we use the word "see" to mean "know" in English. It is the past perfect tense so "have seen" but it is translated as the present tense of "know." What someone "has seen" is what they "know" in the present.
that The second "that" is a different word from the first "that." This one introduces a statement of fact or cause.
the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
Son -- The phrase "the son of man" is the common way Christ refers to himself. It is discussed in detail in this article. Its sense is "the child of the man." The word translated as "son" more generally means "child" or "descendant". The Greek word for "of man" in the singular means "person" and "humanity" and "people" and "peoples" in the plural.
of -- This word "of" comes from the genitive case of the following word that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
missing "the" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
Man - The Greek word for "man" means "man", "person" and "humanity" in the singular. In the plural, it means "men", "people", and "peoples".
has - The word translated as "hath" means "to possess" or "to keep" but it isn't used in the same way as a "helper" verb that the English "have" is.
authority - The term translated as "authority " isn't the "power" of skill or energy but of authority, control, and the ability to make a decision. This is the "power" that comes down through channels of authority. This word also does not have an article ("the") in front of it, so it is "a power" not "the power".
on -- (WP) The word translated as "on" is a preposition that "upon", "at," or "against."The phrase "on earth" doesn't follow the word translated as "power", nor does it seem to modify that word. It follows the phrase, "the son of the man." However, in Mark 2:10 it does follower "
missing "the" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.
earth - The word translated as "earth" means the physical planet or ground, not society. Christ uses this word as the opposite of "the sky", which is the realm of that which is beyond nature. Normally, Christ discusses authority as part of human society, translated as "the world" in the KJV. See this article for more on these words.
to -- This "to" is added because the infinitive form of the verb requires a "to" in English
forgive - (WW) The word translated as "forgive" primarily means "to let go" or "to send away." This same word is usually translated as "leave", "forgive", "suffer," and "let" in the New Testament. See the article before on the concept of "forgiving sins".
sins - (CW) The word translated as "sin" is a form of a word that means "to fail in one's purpose", "to neglect," and "to be deprived of." It has no sense of doing malicious evil in Greek. The best English translation is "mistake," "fault," or "failure" rather than what we commonly think of as the evils of "sin." See this article for more information and context.
I-- This is from the first-person, singular form of the verb.
tell - The word translated as "I tell" is the most common word that means "to say," "to tell," and "to speak," but when used with an objective noun or pronoun, the sense is "say of" or "speak of." When two accusative objects are used, the sense is "say of him this," or "call him this." The form Jesus uses to describe his own speaking can be either indicative, "I say/tell" or subjunctive, "I should/could say/tell." It also has many ancillary meanings such as "to count" ("to number" or like we might say, "to recount" a story) or "to choose for yourself."
you, -- The word for "you" is the indirect object form of the singular, second-person pronoun in the form of an indirect object, which usually requires a preposition in English, like "to you."
get up,, -- The word for "get up," means "awaken" and is the same word Christ uses to describe God raising the dead and false prophets arising.
and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also"). In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also." After words implying sameness "as."
take -- (WF) "Take" is one of Christ's favorite "multiple meaning" words. It is a verb that means "to raise up," "elevate," "to bear," "to carry off," "to take and apply to any use," "lifted" in the sense of "removed," and "to cause to cease." Jesus uses this verb to refer to what will happen to "the son of man," which can apply either to his being raised from the dead or lifted up on the cross. The verb also came to mean "remove" in the same way we describe stealing as "shoplifting." This word is a participle, not an active verb.
your -- The word translated as "your" is the genitive form of the singular, second-person pronoun, which is most commonly the possessive form. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."
missing "the/this" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article," the," which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," and "those"). See this article for more.
mat , - The word translated as "mat " is the diminutive form of the word for bed, which means "that on which one lies," but it also means a "grave-niche." This word is rare for Christ to use, only appearing in Luke. The sense is a "litter" or "cot."
and -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "and" in the Greek source.
go -- The Greek verb translated as "go" is the most common verb translated as "go" in the NT. This word means "to lead over," "depart," and "to carry over." However, this word uniquely means "to pursue a course" and "to depart from life." In the active voice, it means "made to go" or "carried over" but in the passive or middle, its normal form, the subject is either being taken or taking himself. Jesus also uses it for a play on words referring to its "depart from life" meaning.
missing "into" -- (MW) The untranslated word "into" means "into" a place, "towards" as a direction, "as much as (of measure or limit)," "in regards to" a subject,"up to" limits in time and measure, and "for" a purpose or object.
missing "your" -- (MW) The untranslated word "your" is the genitive form of the singular, second-person pronoun, which is most commonly the possessive form. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours." As a genitive object of a preposition, as here, it means a movement away from something or a position away from something else.
missing "the/this" -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article," the," which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," and "those"). See this article for more.
home. -- The Greek word translated as "house," is any dwelling place but not exclusively a separate house. It means the household or clan that lives in the building as well.
ἵνα [134 verses](adv/conj) "That" is hina, which means "in that place," "there," "where," "when," but when beginning a phrase "so that," "in order that," "when," and "because." -
δὲ [446 verses](conj) "But" is de which means "but" and "on the other hand." It is the particle that joins sentences in an adversarial way but can also be an explanation of indirect cause ("so"). In an "if" (εἰ ) clause or temporal "when" (ὅταν) clause the sense is "if/when... then." In a series begun by men, its means "on the other hand." In a series begun by men, its means "on the other hand."
εἰδῆτε [38 verses](2nd pl perf subj act) "Ye may know" is oida which has the sense of "to know." This listing is not a root word, but the past perfect tense of eido, which means "to see," "to examine," "to perceive," "to behold," "to know how to do," "to see with the mind's eye," and "to know." That which "has been seen" is that which is "known." This is a somewhat legalistic idea because the truth can only be established by eyewitnesses.
ὅτι [332 verses](adv/conj) "That" is hoti, which introduces a statement of fact "with regard to the fact that," "seeing that," and acts as a causal adverb meaning "for what," "because," "since," and "wherefore."
ἐξουσίαν [23 verses](noun sg fem acc) "Power" is exousia which means "control," "the power of choice," "permission," "the power of authority," "the right of privilege," "abundance of means," and "abuse of power."
ἔχει: [181 verses](3rd sg pres ind act) "He hath" is echo, which means "to have," "to hold," "to possess," "to keep," "to have charge of," "to have due to one," "to maintain," "to hold fast," "to hold in," "to bear," "to carry," "to keep close," "to keep safe," and "to have means to do." In aorist, it can mean "acquire," or "get." The main sense when it has an object is "to have" or "to hold." It can also mean "to without" or "keep back" a thing. -
ὁ [821 verses](article sg masc nom) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the").
υἱὸς [158 verses](noun sg masc nom) "The Son" is huios, which means a "son," and more generally, a "child." It is used generally to refer to any male descendant.
τοῦ [821 verses](article sg masc gen) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the").
ἀνθρώπου [209 verses](noun sg masc gen) "Of man" is from anthropos, which is "man," and, in plural, "mankind." It also means "humanity" and that which is human and opposed to that which is animal or inanimate. -- The Greek word for "of man" in the singular means "person" and "humanity" and "people" and "peoples" in the plural.
ἐπὶ [138 verses](prep) "On" is from epi which means "on," "upon," "at," "by," "before," "across," and "against." With a noun in the possessive, genitive, it means "upon," "on" but not necessarily of Place, "by (of persons)," "deep (with numbers)," "in the presence of," "towards," "in the time of," and "over (referring to a person of authority)." With a noun indirect object, dative, it means of place: "upon," "on," or "over," of people: "against (in a hostile sense)," regarding a situation: "towards" or "in reference to," of an accumulation: "upon," "after," "addition to," and "besides," of position: "after," "behind," "in dependence upon," and "in the power of," of time: "by," and "after," and. in a causal sense: "of the occasion or cause," "of an end or purpose," "of the condition upon which a thing is done," "on condition that," and "of price." With the objective noun, an accusative, it means of place: "upon or on to a height," "up to," "as far as," "a little way," "a little," "towards," "to," in hostile sense: "against," of extension: "over," "over (a space)," of time: "for," "during," "up to" or "till," in a causal sense: "of (the object)," for (this purpose)," "as regards," "according to," and "by (this cause)." With verbs of perceiving, observing, judging, it means "in the case of."
τῆς [821 verses](article sg fem gen) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). for more.
γῆς [59 verses](noun sg fem gen) "Earth" is ge, which means "the element of earth," "land (country)," "arable land," "the ground," and "the world" as the opposite of the sky. Like our English word "earth," it means both dirt and the planet.
ἀφιέναι [73 verses](verb pres inf act) "To forgive" is aphiemi, which means "to let fall," "to send away," "give up," "hand over," "to let loose," "to get rid of," "to leave alone," "to pass by," "to permit," and "to send forth from oneself."
ἁμαρτίας [28 verses](noun pl fem acc )"Sins" is hamartia, which means "missing the mark," "failure," "fault," and "error." Only in religious uses does it become "guilt" and "sin."
Σοὶ [81 verses](pron 2nd sg dat) "To thee" is soi which is the singular, second-person pronoun, "you," in the form of an indirect pronoun.
λέγω, [264 verses](verb 1st sg pres ind act) "I sat" is lego, which means "to recount," "to tell over," "to say," "to speak," "to teach," "to mean," "boast of," "tell of," "recite," nominate," and "command." When used with an object is has the sense of "call by name." It has a secondary meaning "pick out," "choose for oneself," "pick up," "gather," "count," and "recount." A less common word that is spelled the same means "to lay," "to lay asleep" and "to lull asleep." Since this is the most common such word Jesus uses, perhaps translating it consistently as "say" works best. -
ἔγειρε [41 verses] (2nd sg pres imperat act) "Arise" is egeiro, which means "to awaken," "to stir up," and "to rouse."
καὶ [1089 verses](conj/adv) "And" is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and," or "also." After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also." Also used to give emphasis, "even," "also," and "just."
ἄρας [56 verses](part sg aor act masc nom) "Take up" is airo, which means "to lift up," "to raise," "to raise up," "to exalt," "to lift and take away," and "to remove." In some forms, it is the same as apaomai, which means to "pray to," or "pray for."
τὸ [821 verses](article sg neut acc ) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). -
κλινίδιόν [2 verses](noun sg neut acc diminutive) "Couch" is klinidion, which is the diminutive of kline, which means "that on which one lies," "couch," and a "grave-niche."
σου” [144 verses](pron 2nd sg gen) "Thy" is sou is the genitive form of the second-person, singular pronoun that means "of you" and "your."
πορεύου [54 verses](verb 2nd sg pres imperat mp ) "Go" is poreuomai (poreuo) which means "make to go," "carry," "convey," "bring," "go," "march," "depart," and "proceed." It is almost always translated as "go" in the NT but Jesus uses it in situations where it "depart from life" meaning comes into play.
εἰς [325 verses](prep) "Into" is eis, which means "into (of place)," "up to (of time)," "until (of time)," "as much as (of measure or limit)," "as far as (of measure or limit)," "towards (to express relation)," "in regard to (to express relation)," "of an end or limit," and "for (of purpose or object)."
τὸν [821 verses](article sg masc acc) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). -
οἶκον [29 verses](noun sg masc acc)"House" is oikos, which means "house," "dwelling place," "room," "home," "meeting hall," "household goods," "substance," and "ruling family." It is any dwelling place but not exclusively a separate house.
σου” [144 verses](pron 2nd sg gen) "Thine" is sou is the genitive form of the second-person, singular pronoun that means "of you" and "your."
This is very like Matthew 9:6 with a few words added and couple of words changed. The last part is identical to the Greek in Mark 2:11.
The idea was to release people from paying the consequences of their mistakes. The idea of the time was that physical afflictions, such as paralysis, were caused by the mistakes made by a person or their parents. These afflictions were divine judgment, but the cause of that judgment was a human failure.