Luke 12:59 I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence,

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an individual

The topic is judging what is right by ourselves without a court.


Luke 12:59 I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.


Luke 12:59  I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”


I tell you. You might never get out of there until also that last penny you should repay.


Social justice is costly.


λέγω σοι,   οὐ μὴ ἐξέλθῃς                 ἐκεῖθεν  ἕως  καὶ   τὸ    ἔσχατον λεπτὸν ἀποδῷς.
I tell  you.  never You might get out of there until also  that last         penny  you should repay


Of course, the concept of this verse is itself funny, but Jesus uses both exaggeration and equivocation to amplify it. The "not" is exaggerated as "never," using both Greek negatives. However, both verbs are in the form of possibility, "might never get out" and "should repay." And "the last penny" is amplified by an "also."


 I tell thee, thou shalt(CW) not(CW) depart thence, till thou hast(WW) paid(CW) the very(WW) last mite.

  • CW - Confusing Word - This "shall" does not indicate the future tense, but describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "not" does not capture the word's specific meaning.
  • WW --Wrong Word -- The word translated as "has" should be something more like "should."
  • CW --Confusing Word -- "paid's" translation is more specific than the word's more general meaning.
  • WW --Wrong Word -- The word translated as "very" should be something more like "also."

I tell you, you will(WW) not(CW) get out (MWfrom there) until (MWalso) you have(WW) paid(CW) the last penny.”


  • WW --Wrong Word -- The word translated as "will" should be something more like "might."
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "not" does not capture the word's specific meaning.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "from there"  after "get out" is not shown in the English translation. 
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "also"  after "thence" is not shown in the English translation. 
  • WW --Wrong Word -- The word translated as "has" should be something more like "should."
  • CW --Confusing Word -- "paid's" translation is more specific than the word's more general meaning.

I -- This is from the first-person, singular form of the verb.

tell -- The word translated as "I tell" is the most common word that means "to say," "to tell," and "to speak,"  but when used with an objective noun or pronoun, the sense is "say of" or "speak of."    It also has many ancillary meanings such as "to count" ("to number" or like we might say, "to recount" a story) or "to choose for yourself."

thee, --- The word for "you" is the indirect object form of the singular, second-person pronoun in the form of an indirect object of a verb or a preposition.

thou -- This is from the second-person, singular form of the verb.

shalt -- (CW) This helping verb "shall" does not indicate the future tense, but that the verb describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice. A "might" or "should" in English is more appropriate, but is assumed in an "if/when/whoever/except" clause. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.

not-- (CW) The "not" here is both of the Greek negatives used together. Greek has two negatives, one objective, one subjective. The use of both together is more extreme, like saying, "never" or literally, "you cannot really think." When a negative precedes the verb, it affects the whole clause. When it precedes other words, its force is limited to those words.

depart -- The word translated as "depart" means literally "to go or come out," but it has a secondary meaning of "making something come true." In some verses, its sense is "started out" from the primary meaning of its root.

thence, -"Thence" is a single word, an adverb that means "from that place", "thence", "from that fact," and "thenceforward." It is a form of the word translated as "there" above.

till -- The word translated as "until" means "until" but it also means "till," "while," "as long as," "as far as," "up to the point," "in order that." 

thou -- This is from the second-person, singular form of the verb.

hast -- (WW) This helping verb "has " indicates that the verb is the tense indicating an action completed in the past. This is not the tense of the verb here. However, this word is in the form indicating that it is likely, so a "should" or "might" should appear here.

paid  -- (CW) "Paid" is a compound verb that means "to give back," "to give over," and "to transmit." It literally means "to give from."  The form is  singular, "it has been given over."  This translation is more specific than the word's meaning.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, "the," which usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. 

very -- (WW) The word  "very" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis, "even," "also," and "just."

last -- "Last" is from an adjective that, in space, this means "furthest." In degree, it means "uttermost" and "highest." In persons, it means "lowest" and "meanest." Of time, it means "last" and "ending." If the context is the previous verse, it can refer to distance or people so it means "furthest" or "meanest." However, clearly, its use is intended for a double meaning, meaning both. KJV English has a double meaning as well, but it is not quite the same.

mite. -- This  "mite" is the smallest coin used in the Greek world, first used in the area of Judea. The word is from an adjective meaning "thin".


I -- This is from the first-person, singular form of the verb.

tell -- The word translated as "I tell" is the most common word that means "to say," "to tell," and "to speak,"  but when used with an objective noun or pronoun, the sense is "say of" or "speak of."    It also has many ancillary meanings such as "to count" ("to number" or like we might say, "to recount" a story) or "to choose for yourself."

thee, --- The word for "you" is the indirect object form of the singular, second-person pronoun in the form of an indirect object of a verb or a preposition.

you -- This is from the second-person, singular form of the verb.

will -- (WW) This helping verb "will" does not indicate the future tense, but that the verb describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice. A "might" or "should" in English is more appropriate, but is assumed in an "if/when/whoever/except" clause. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.

not-- (CW) The "not" here is both of the Greek negatives used together. Greek has two negatives, one objective, one subjective. The use of both together is more extreme, like saying, "never" or literally, "you cannot really think." When a negative precedes the verb, it affects the whole clause. When it precedes other words, its force is limited to those words.

get out -- The word translated as "get out " means literally "to go or come out," but it has a secondary meaning of "making something come true." In some verses, its sense is "started out" from the primary meaning of its root.

missing "from there"  -- (MW) The untranslated word  "Thence" is a single word, an adverb that means "from that place", "thence", "from that fact," and "thenceforward." It is a form of the word translated as "there" above.

missing "also"  -- (MW) The untranslated word   "also" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis, "even," "also," and "just."

until -- The word translated as "until" means "until" but it also means "till," "while," "as long as," "as far as," "up to the point," "in order that." 

you -- This is from the second-person, singular form of the verb.

have -- (WW) This helping verb "has " indicates that the verb is the tense indicating an action completed in the past. This is not the tense of the verb here. However, this word is in the form indicating that it is likely, so a "should" or "might" should appear here.

paid  -- (CW) "Paid" is a compound verb that means "to give back," "to give over," and "to transmit." It literally means "to give from."  The form is  singular, "it has been given over."  This translation is more specific than the word's meaning.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, "the," which usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. 

last -- "Last" is from an adjective that, in space, this means "furthest." In degree, it means "uttermost" and "highest." In persons, it means "lowest" and "meanest." Of time, it means "last" and "ending." If the context is the previous verse, it can refer to distance or people so it means "furthest" or "meanest." However, clearly, its use is intended for a double meaning, meaning both. KJV English has a double meaning as well, but it is not quite the same.

penny . -- This  "penny" is the smallest coin used in the Greek world, first used in the area of Judea. The word is from an adjective meaning "thin".


λέγω  [264 verses]((1st sg pres ind act) "I tell" is lego, which means "to recount," "to tell over," "to say," "to speak," "to teach," "to mean," "boast of," "tell of," "recite," nominate," and "command." When used with an object is has the sense of "call by name."  It has a secondary meaning "pick out," "choose for oneself," "pick up," "gather," "count," and "recount." A less common word that is spelled the same means "to lay," "to lay asleep" and "to lull asleep." This word is more about making a statement than participating in a discussion. Translating is as "stated" might distinguish it better. When two accusative objects are used, the sense is  "say of him this," or "call him this." The form Jesus uses to describe his own speaking can be either indicative, "I say/tell" or subjunctive, "I should/could say/tell."

σοὶ [81 verses](pron 2nd sg dat) "You" is soi which is the singular, second-person pronoun, "you," in the form of an indirect pronoun.

οὐ μὴ [39 verses](partic) "Never" is ou me, the two forms of Greek negative used together. Ou is the negative adverb for facts and statements, negating both single words and sentences. Mê (me) is the negative used in prohibitions and expressions of doubt meaning "not" and "no." As οὐ (ou) negates fact and statement; μή rejects, οὐ denies; μή is relative, οὐ absolute; μή subjective, οὐ objective.

ἐξέλθῃς [54 verses] (2nd sg aor subj act) "Thou shalt...depart" is exerchomai, which means "to come or go out of " "to march forth," "go out on," "to stand forth," "to exceed all bounds," "to come to an end," "to go out of office," and [of dreams or prophecies] "to come true."

ἐκεῖθεν [6 verses](adv) "Thence" is from ekeithen, which means "from that place", "thence", "from that fact," and "thenceforward."

ἕως [63 verses](conj) "While" is heos which means "until," "till," "while," "as long as," "up to the point," and "in order that" "as far as," and "up to the point that." Takes a genitive object when referring to time "until something." With the particle of possibility and the subjunctive form of the verb, the sense is until some unknown time.

καὶ [1089 verses](conj/adv) Untranslated is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and," or "also." After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also." Also used to give emphasis, "even," "also," and "just." In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also." After words implying sameness "as."

τὸ [821 verses](article sg neut acc)  "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the").   It usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. When not preceding a a word that can become a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones." 

ἔσχατον (adj sg neut acc) "The last" [21 verses] (adj sg neut acc) "Last" is eschatos. In space, this means "furthest." In degree, it means "uttermost" and "highest." In persons, it means "lowest" and "meanest." Of time, it means "last" and "ending."

λεπτὸν [1 verse](noun sg neut acc) "Mite" is lepton, which means "a very small coin", "a mite",

ἀποδῷς. [22 verses]  (2nd sg aor subj act) "Thou hast paid" is apodidomi which means "to give back," "to restore," and "to deliver." It has the economic sense of "to sell" or "to give something for one's own profit." It begins with apo the preposition of separation and origin, the idea of "from" in English, -didômi which means "to give," "to grant," "to hand over," and "to describe."

parallel comparison

The coin referenced in this verse is different than Matthew, In Matthew, it was the smallest denomination of Roman currency. This is an unusual verse it resembles Matthew 5:26, more in the Greek than in translation. Usually the translators try to make verses look more similar than they are. The Matthew begins with the "verily I tell you" phrase.This verse is otherwise very close to Matthew except for one word at the ending and the ending's word order

Unimportant Opinions and Imaginings

Luke does not use the "amen" phrase as often as the other Gospel, perhaps because Jesus didn't use it in every area or later in his teaching career. Perhaps Luke just dropped the Aramaic word because he was writing for Greeks speakers only, but I prefer to think the Gospel writers were always faithful to the words Jesus spoke.

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