Luke 17:19 Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.


Luke 17:19 Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.


You are waking up. Go away: that trust of yours has rescued you.


This verse doesn't start with a command, "arise." The word that is translated as "made you whole" actually doesn't mean being cured of a disease. It means preserving or saving from death or keeping alive. It is usually translated as "save" in the Gospels but the meaning is specific to being saved from death or destruction. The other versions of this idea in Mark (Mark 5:34)  and  Luke (Luke 7:50, Luke 8:48) all use the same verb. Only Luke 7:50, translates it as "saved."

"Arise" is a Greek verb that means "to make to stand up," "to raise from the dead," "to rouse to action," "wake up,"  and "to make people rise up." The form here is an adjective or a statement, not a command. It is either, , "waking up" or the sentence, "You are waking up." 

The Greek verb translated as "go" means "to lead over," "depart," and "to carry over." This word, however, uniquely means both "to depart from life." Christ uses it to say "get away" when followed by "from me."

There is no "thy way" in this verse. It is added to complete the sense of the previous verb which means "go away."

The word translated as "thy" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun.

The term translated as "faith" is closer to our idea of having confidence or trust in people, especially their word, rather than having religious belief.

"Has...made whole" is the Greek word that means "to keep alive" when applied to people or "to keep safe" when applied to things. Jesus uses it to mean "rescue" in most cases. It has nothing to do with the word "whole." It also doesn't refer to disease or curing it directly.

The "thee" here is singular second person pronoun.



Ἀναστὰς ( part sg aor act masc nom/voc or verb 2nd sg aor ind act) "Arise" is from anistemi, which means "to make stand up," "to raise up," "to raise from sleep," "to wake up," "to raise from the dead," "to rouse to action," "to put up for sale," "to make people rise," "to emigrate," "to transplant," and "to rise and leave the sanctuary."

πορεύου:  (verb 2nd sg imperf ind mp) "Depart" is poreuomai (poreuô) which means "make to go," "carry," "convey," "bring," "go," "march," and "proceed." It is almost always translated as "go" in the NT. -- The Greek verb translated as "go" is the most common verb translated as "go" in the NT.This word means "to lead over," "depart," and "to carry over." This word, however, uniquely means both "to pursue a course" and "to depart from life." Since it is in a form that acts on itself, the sense is "take yourselves."-

πίστις ( noun sg fem nom ) "Faith" is pistis, which means "confidence," "assurance," "trustworthiness," "credit," "a trust," "that which give confidence," and, as a character trait, "faithfulness."

σου  (adj sg masc gen) "Thy" is sou which means "of you" and "your." 

σέσωκέν (verb 3rd sg perf ind act ) "Hath...made whole" is sozo (soizo), which means "save from death," "keep alive," "keep safe," "preserve," "maintain," "keep in mind," "carry off safely," and "rescue." This is the 3rd person, singular, aortic, passive form. 

σε. (pron 2nd sg acc) "Thee" is from se, the second person singular accusative pronoun.

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