Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,

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A parable about the final judgment of the sheep and the goats.


Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:


Matthew 25:34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.


Then, he will say, the king, to those beyond right [skilled, kindly] of his: Here, the ones being praised belonging to that Father of mine. Inherit the one having been prepared for you, a kingdom since tossing down of world order.


Better kingdoms must be prepared before old ones are tossed down.


This verse shows a typical shift in Jesus's storytelling from a storyteller, who uses simple language, to the voice of the king, a character in the story, who uses much more sophisticated language. This is the only place I remember where Jesus refers to himself as a king. The two uncommon words here are "inherit" and "foundation/creation." The "prepared" is also a more complicated word. The "inherit" and "prepared" are long, complicated words in the past, perfect passive form.

This is the reward for the "skilled," "clever," and "kindly," which is the meaning of the word translated as "right/right hand."  The "inherit" implies that the kingdom belongs to those who are skilled, etc.

The word translated as "foundation" and "creation" is the noun form of the verb meaning "throwing down." Its root, meaning "toss," is a word Jesus often uses humorously. The word here has two meanings. Its basic meaning is laying a foundation. However, it could also refer to the overthrowing of that world order since the Greek word translated as "world" is the word that Jesus uses to refer to the powers-that-be.

  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "them" is not the common word usually translated as "them."
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "on" does not capture the specific meaning of the word.
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "ye" should be something more like "the ones."
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "blessed" does not capture the specific meaning of the word.
  • WV - Wrong Voice - The verb here is translated as active but it is passive.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "father" is not shown in the English translation.
  • WT - Wrong Tense - The English verb "prepared" is the present tense, but Greek is in the past perfect, a completed action, "having been prepared."
  • WV - Wrong Voice - The verb here is translated as active but it is passive.
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" before "foundation" doesn't exist in the source.
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" before "world" doesn't exist in the source.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "on" does not capture the specific meaning of the word.
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "you" should be something more like "the ones."
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "who"doesn't exist in the source.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "blessed" does not capture the specific meaning of the word.
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "by" should be something more like "of."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" before "father" is not shown in the English translation.
  • WT - Wrong Tense - The English verb "prepared" is the present tense, but Greek is in the past perfect, a completed action, "having been prepared."
  • WV - Wrong Voice - The verb here is translated as active but it is passive.
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" before "foundation" doesn't exist in the source.
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" before "world" doesn't exist in the source.

Then  - The word translated as "then" means "at the time" more than "then" in the sense of continuing a narrative.

shall -- This helping verb "shall" indicates that the verb is the future tense. Helping or auxiliary verbs are needed to translate the Greek verb forms into English.

the   -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. 

King  - "King" is a Greek noun that which means a "king" or "chief."

say  - "Shall...say" is from means "to say" and "to speak" also. However, it has less a sense of teaching and more a sense of addressing and proclaiming. This is not the verb Christ usually uses to refer to his own speaking or saying.

unto -- This word "unto" comes from the dative case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is a "to" for the English indirect object.

them -- (CW) The word translated as "them" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. It is not the "them" pronoun.

on  - (CW) The Greek preposition translated as "on" means "out of" or "from" when referring to movement, but "beyond" when referring to a place. It is not the word meaning "on."

his -- The word translated as "his" is the Greek word commonly translated as third-person pronouns in English.   This pronoun follows the noun so "of his."

right hand,  --  The Greek term translated as "right hand" as a noun, it means the "right hand," "assurance," and "pledge," and as an adjective means "on the right hand," "fortunate," "skillful," "ready," "clever," "courteous," and "kindly." Here it acts more like a noun because of the following "of his."

Come,  - "Come" is not from a verb but from an adverb used like saying "here" or "over here" in English to call someone to where you are.

ye -- (WW) The word translated as "ye" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. It is not the "them" pronoun. It is plural so "the ones" or "those."

blessed  - (CW, WV) "Blessed" is a complicated form of a verb that means to "speak well of," "praise." and "honor." It is in the plural, past, passive form of verb of an adjective (having been honored" used as a noun, "the ones having been honored." This is not the word used in the Beatitudes ("Blessed are the poor..."). It is passive.

of -- This word "of"  comes from the genitive case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English.  The most common is the "of" of possession. However, it can also mean "belonging to," "part of," "which is," "than" (in comparisons), or  "for," "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.

my -- "My" is the first-person possessive singular pronoun. This pronoun follows the noun so "of mine."  

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

Father,  - "Father" is the common word that Christ uses to address his own Father, though it can mean any male ancestor. When referring to others, Christ uses it to refer to their ancestors, that is, "forefathers." It is in the possessive form, but "by that Father of mine" works better than "of my Father" because it refers to the ones having been praised.

inherit  - "Inherit" is another uncommon verb that means "inherit," "acquire," and "to be an heir." It is a tense usually translated as the past but indicating something happening at a specific time. It is either a simple statement or a command. A statement makes more sense.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. 

kingdom  - The word translated as "kingdom" can be the region, the reign, the castle or the authority of a ruler. It is not preceded by an article ("the kingdom") so, "a kingdom."

prepared  -  (WT, WV) "Prepared" is from another complicated form of a verb that means "to get ready," "to cause to be prepared," "to prepare oneself," and, in the form of an adjective used as a noun so "that which has prepared itself. " This word appears before the word "kingdom" with the "to you" between the two words, so this is what is inherited, with "a kingdom" added as a description. The tense is an action completed in the past, and the form is passive, so "having been prepared.

for -- This word "to" comes from the dative case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is a "to" for the English indirect object. However, the translator can choose other prepositions: "with,"  "in,"   "of,"  "as," "by," "for," "at," or "on" depending on the context.

you  -- The Greek pronoun "you" here is plural and in the form of an indirect object, "to you," "for you," etc. 

from  - The word translated as "from" means "from" as in from a location or from a source.

the -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "the" in the Greek source.

foundation  - "Foundation" is another uncommon word for Christ, which means "throwing down," "sowing," "nativity," "laying a foundation," "building," and "beginning." Though it is a noun, it is also built on a verb.

of  -- This word "of"  comes from the genitive case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English.  The most common is the "of" of possession.

the -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "the" in the Greek source.

world: - -- Jesus uses the word translated as "the world" to mean "the world order," and "civilization," specifically its "rulers," or its organization. Today, we use the word "society" or "regime" in this sense. More about this word in this article about related words.Christ uses the word translated as "the world" to mean "the world order," and "civilization," specifically its "rulers," or its organization. More about this word in this article about related words.


Then  - The word translated as "then" means "at the time" more than "then" in the sense of continuing a narrative.

the   -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. 

King  - "King" is a Greek noun that which means a "king" or "chief."

will -- This helping verb "will " indicates that the verb is the future tense. Helping or auxiliary verbs are needed to translate the Greek verb forms into English.

say  - "Shall...say" is from means "to say" and "to speak" also. However, it has less a sense of teaching and more a sense of addressing and proclaiming. This is not the verb Christ usually uses to refer to his own speaking or saying.

to -- This word "unto" comes from the dative case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is a "to" for the English indirect object.

those -- The word translated as "those" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. It is not the "them" pronoun.

on  - (CW) The Greek preposition translated as "on" means "out of" or "from" when referring to movement, but "beyond" when referring to a place. It is not the word meaning "on."

his -- The word translated as "his" is the Greek word commonly translated as third-person pronouns in English.   This pronoun follows the noun so "of his."

right ,  --  The Greek term translated as "right " as a noun, it means the "right hand," "assurance," and "pledge," and as an adjective means "on the right hand," "fortunate," "skillful," "ready," "clever," "courteous," and "kindly." Here it acts more like a noun because of the following "of his."

Come,  - "Come" is not from a verb but from an adverb used like saying "here" or "over here" in English to call someone to where you are.

you -- (WW) The word translated as "you " is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. It is not the "them" pronoun. It is plural so "the ones" or "those."

who -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "who" in the Greek source.

are -- This helping verb "are" indicates that the verb is passive. Helping or auxiliary verbs are needed to translate the Greek verb forms into English.

blessed  - (CW) "Blessed" is a complicated form of a verb that means to "speak well of," "praise." and "honor." It is in the plural, past, passive form of verb of an adjective (having been honored" used as a noun, "the ones having been honored." This is not the word used in the Beatitudes ("Blessed are the poor..."). It is passive.

by -- (WW) This word "of"  comes from the genitive case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English.  The most common is the "of" of possession. However, it can also mean "belonging to," "part of," "which is," "than" (in comparisons), or  "for," "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs. For a "by" the form should be "dative

my -- "My" is the first-person possessive singular pronoun. This pronoun follows the noun so "of mine."  

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

Father,  - "Father" is the common word that Christ uses to address his own Father, though it can mean any male ancestor. When referring to others, Christ uses it to refer to their ancestors, that is, "forefathers." It is in the possessive form, but "by that Father of mine" works better than "of my Father" because it refers to the ones having been praised.

take your inheritance - "Take your inheritance" is another uncommon verb that means "inherit," "acquire," and "to be an heir." It is a tense usually translated as the past but indicating something happening at a specific time. It is either a simple statement or a command. A statement makes more sense.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, without a noun, it has the sense of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those") than the English "the." See this article for more. 

kingdom  - The word translated as "kingdom" can be the region, the reign, the castle or the authority of a ruler. It is not preceded by an article ("the kingdom") so, "a kingdom."

prepared  -  (WT, WV) "Prepared" is from another complicated form of a verb that means "to get ready," "to cause to be prepared," "to prepare oneself," and, in the form of an adjective used as a noun so "that which has prepared itself. " This word appears before the word "kingdom" with the "to you" between the two words, so this is what is inherited, with "a kingdom" added as a description. The tense is an action completed in the past, and the form is passive, so "having been prepared.

for -- This word "to" comes from the dative case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is a "to" for the English indirect object. However, the translator can choose other prepositions: "with,"  "in,"   "of,"  "as," "by," "for," "at," or "on" depending on the context.

you  -- The Greek pronoun "you" here is plural and in the form of an indirect object, "to you," "for you," etc. 

since - The word translated as "from" means "from" as in from a location or from a source.

the -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "the" in the Greek source.

creation - "Creation" is another uncommon word for Christ, which means "throwing down," "sowing," "nativity," "laying a foundation," "building," and "beginning." Though it is a noun, it is also built on a verb.

of  -- This word "of"  comes from the genitive case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English.  The most common is the "of" of possession.

the -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "the" in the Greek source.

world: - -- Jesus uses the word translated as "the world" to mean "the world order," and "civilization," specifically its "rulers," or its organization. Today, we use the word "society" or "regime" in this sense. More about this word in this article about related words.Christ uses the word translated as "the world" to mean "the world order," and "civilization," specifically its "rulers," or its organization. More about this word in this article about related words.


τότε [53 verses](adv) "Then" is from tote, which means "at that time" and "then."

ἐρεῖ [162 verses](verb 3rd sg fut ind act) "Shall say" is from eipon, which means "to speak," "to say," "to recite," "to address," "to mention," "to name," "to proclaim," "to plead," "to promise," and "to offer."

[821 verses](article sg masc nom)  "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). 

βασιλεὺς (noun sg masc nom) "King" is from basileus, which means a "king," "chief," "prince," "lord," "master," "a great man," and "the first and most distinguished of any class." It is a form of the word used for "kingdom."

τοῖς [821 verses](article pl masc dat ) "Unto them " is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones."

ἐκ [121 verses] (prep)"On" is from ek, which means 1) [of motion] "out of," "from," "by," "away from;" 2) [of place] "beyond," "outside of," "beyond;" 3) [of succession] "after," "from;" 4) [of rest] "on," "in," 5) [of time] "since," "from," "at," "in;" 5) [of materials] "out of," "made from." -- The Greek preposition translated as "of" means "out of" or "from." In Greek, they use the genitive case instead of a preposition for the types of phrases with usually use with "of."

δεξιῶν [14 verses](noun pl fem gen) "Right" is from dexios, which means, as an adjective, "on the right hand," "fortunate," "skillful," "ready," "clever," "courteous," and "kindly." As a noun, it means the "right hand," "assurance," "pledge," "treaty,"

αὐτοῦ [821 verses](adj sg masc gen) "His" is from autos, which means "the same," and the reflexive pronouns, "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," or the oblique case of the pronouns, "him," "her," and "it." It also means "one's true self," that is, "the soul" as opposed to the body and "of one's own accord."

Δεῦτε, [8 verses](adv) "Come" is deute, which is an adverb that means "come here" and "come hither." It is not a verb so it doesn't contain the regular information about the subject found in a Greek verb.

οἱ [821 verses](article sg masc nom)  "Ye" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). 

εὐλογημένοι [4 verses](part pl perf pass masc nom mid) "Blessed" is from eulogeo, which means "speak well of," "praise." "honor," "bless," "praise" a god, by a Hebr. euphemism, "cursed," and, as an adjective, "charmed," "lucky," and "blessed."

τοῦ [821 verses](article sg masc gen)  Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). 

πατρός [191 verses](noun sg masc gen) "The Father" is from pater, which means "father," "grandfather," "author," "parent," and "forefathers."

μου [132 verses](pron 1st sg masc gen)"My" is from mou, which mean "my," or "mine."

κληρονομήσατε [3 verses] (verb 2nd pl aor ind act or verb 2nd pl aor imperat act) "Inherit" is from kleronomeo, which means "to inherit," "to acquire," "to receive possession of," "to obtain," "to be an heir," and "to leave an heir behind."

τὴν [821 verses](article sg fem acc )  "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). 

ἡτοιμασμένην [13 verses](part sg perf mp fem acc ) "Prepared" is from hetoimazô, which means to "get ready," "prepare," "make ready," and "to cause to prepare." In the passive, it means to "prepare for oneself," "prepare oneself," "make oneself ready," and "to be prepared."

ὑμῖν [289 verses](pron 2nd pl dat) "For you" is from humin the plural, indirect object form of the pronoun of the second person, "you."

βασιλείαν [98 verses](noun pl neut nom/acc) "The kingdom" is from basileia, which means "kingdom," "dominion," "hereditary monarchy," "kingly office," (passive) "being ruled by a king," and "reign."

ἀπὸ [190 verses]​(prep)  "From" is from apo, a preposition of separation which means "from" or "away from" from when referring to place or motion, "from" or "after" when referring to time, "from" as an origin or cause.

καταβολῆς [3 verses](noun sg fem gen) "Foundation" is katabole, which means "throwing down," "sowing," "nativity," "laying a foundation," "building," "foundation," "beginning," "set purpose," "detraction," and "abuse."

κόσμου: [63 verses](noun sg masc gen) "The world" is from kosmos, which mean "order," "good order," "ruler," "civilization," "world order," "universe," and "the world of men." It is a form of the is verb kosmeô, which means "to order," "to arrange," "to rule," "to adorn" (especially women), and "to equip." It especially means controlling and arranging an army.

Unimportant Opinions and Imaginings

"At that time, the king" he said indicating himself, "will say to those on his skilled side:"

He paused and changed his demeanor from that of a story teller to that of a king making a proclamation.

"Here, the ones having been praised by my Father," he announced to all, which indicating the ones on his right.

The followers on the right took the cue and took a bow.

"You are inheriting now what has prepared itself for you," he said, "a kingdom from the sowing of the world order."

Those on the right cheered.

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