Spoken to Phillip.
John 1:43 Follow me.
John 1:43 Follow me.
We follow Jesus for his purposes not our own.
This verse exists in all three synoptic gospels, but in the other gospels, it is addressed to Matthew, not Phillip. In all gospels, the exact same words in same forms are used. The "me" is an indirect object, the form of object taken by the verb when the one being followed is a person.
KJV Analysis identifies the location of translation issues with their abbreviations in bold face.
Follow - The term "follow" means "to follow," or "go with," in a physical sense, but it is also a metaphor meaning "to be guided by" or "to follow the meaning of." The term also specifically means "to follow the thread" of a discourse.
me. - The "me" is in the form of an indirect object, so it is not the object of "follow," which would be in a different form. The sense is that the person following does not act directly on the person they follow, but rather indirectly. The form has a number of uses in Greek. Most commonly it is an indirect object ("follow this road [the object] to Rome [the indirect object].
Follow - The term "follow" means "to follow," or "go with," in a physical sense, but it is also a metaphor meaning "to be guided by" or "to follow the meaning of." The term also specifically means "to follow the thread" of a discourse.
me. - The "me" is in the form of an indirect object, so it is not the object of "follow," which would be in a different form. The sense is that the person following does not act directly on the person they follow, but rather indirectly. The form has a number of uses in Greek. Most commonly it is an indirect object ("follow this road [the object] to Rome [the indirect object].
Ἀκολούθει [22 verses](2nd sg pres imperat act) "Follow" is from akoloutheo, which means "to follow," and "to go with." It also means "to be guided by" and means following a leader as a disciple.
μοι (pron 1st masc dat) "Me" is from moi, which means "I," "me," and "my."