Luke 18:42 Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.


Luke 18:42 Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.


Look up! That faith of yours has rescued you


This verse starts with a play on words where Jesus tells the blind man in one word to open his eyes, look forward to the future, and to receive his sight.  The rest of the verse says what Jesus commonly says when healing someone in the exact same way he usually says it. Only the introductory word and following words differ.

"Receive their sight" is a Greek verb that means "to look up", "recover sight", "open one's eye's" and, metaphorically, "revive." The word translated as "receive your sight" means "to look up", which has the double meaning of looking upward, cheering up, opening one's eyes,  and having confidence in the future, as it does in English.

The word translated as "thy" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun.

The term translated as "faith" is closer to our idea of having confidence or trust in people, especially their word, rather than having a religious belief.

"Saved" is the Greek word that means "to keep alive" when applied to people or "to keep safe" when applied to things. Jesus uses it to mean "rescue" in most cases. It also doesn't refer to maladies or curing them directly. Interestingly, this same word is often translated in other verses about cures as "made whole" but the translated as "saved" is closer except for the sense of "redemption" that the word has taken on.

The "thee" here is singular second person pronoun.


Ἀνάβλεψον: [uncommon] ( verb 2nd sg aor imperat act) "Receive their sight" is anablepô, which means "to look up", "recover sight", "open one's eye's" and, metaphorically, "revive."

πίστις ( noun sg fem nom ) "Faith" is pistis, which means "confidence", "assurance", "trustworthiness", "credit", "a trust," "that which give confidence," and, as a character trait, "faithfulness."

σου  (adj sg masc gen) "Thy" is sou which means "of you" and "your." 

σέσωκέν (verb 3rd sg perf ind act ) "Saved" is sozo (soizo), which means "save from death", "keep alive", "keep safe", "preserve", "maintain", "keep in mind", "carry off safely," and "rescue." This is the 3rd person, singular, aortic, passive form. 

σε. (pron 2nd sg acc) "Thee" is from se, the second person singular accusative pronoun.


The word translated as "receive your sight" means "to look up", which has the double meaning of looking upward, cheering up, opening one's eyes,  and having confidence in the future, as it does in English.

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