Luke 19:5 Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.
Zachary, getting going, come down! Because on this day, in that house of yours, there is a need for me to stay.
The name "Zacharrius" is Hebrew, but the Greek spelling is on, more like a pet name of address, different than the Greek form of address. Jesus uses this name only here.
"Make haste" is a Greek verb that means "set going", "urge on", and "hasten." The form in an adjective, not an active noun or a command, "getting going".
There is no "and". It is added because the form of "make haste" was converted to an active verb.
The word translated as "come down" means to come or go down, dismount, and related ideas.
The Greek word translated as "for to day" is an adverb that means "for today" and "on this day."
"I" is the regular first-person pronoun in Greek, but in the form of an object, not a subject. The sense is "for me" with a closer translation of the verb.
The Greek verb translated as must" is a special verb that means "it is needful," and "there is a need." It is always singular referring to a specific moment in the past, present, or future. It works something like our word "must" but its form is fixed. So there is no "I" in this verb, just the necessity itself. The "me" is its object.
The word translated as "abide" has more of a sense of to "stay" or "remain," not necessarily dwelling in a place, though the KJV often treats it that way.
at The word translated as "at" means "in", "within", "with," or "among."
The word translated as "thy" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun. It follows "house" so, "of yours".
The Greek word translated as "house," is any dwelling place but not exclusively a separate house. It means the household or clan that lives in the building as well. It has an article so the sense is "the house" or "that house".
Ζακχαῖε, [unique](Hebrew Name) "Zacchaeus" is from Zakchaios, the Greek form of a name.
σπεύσας [unique] ( part sg aor act masc nom) "Make haste" is from speudo, which means "set going", "urge on", and "hasten."
κατάβηθι, (verb 2nd sg aor imperat act ) "Come down" is from katabaino, which means "go down", "come down from," and "dismount from." Metaphorically, it means "attain", "conform to", "condescend", "fall in value," and "arrive at the end [of a speech]."
σήμερον (adv) "To day" is semeron, which is an adverb that means "for today" and "on this day."
γὰρ (partic) "For" comes from gar which is the introduction of a clause explaining a reason or explanation: "for", "since," and "as." In an abrupt question, it means "why" and "what." --The word translated as "for" introduces a reason or explanation so "because" and, in questions, "why." However, since this word always appears in the second position, it is more like an aside remark like, "consequently" or "as a cause".
ἐν (prep) "In" is en, which means "in", "on", "at", "by", "among", "within", "surrounded by", "in one's hands", "in one's power," and "with".
τῷ οἴκῳ ( noun sg masc dat ) "House" is oikos, which means "house", "dwelling place", "room", "home", "meeting hall", "household goods", "substance," and "ruling family." It is any dwelling place but not exclusively a separate house.
σου (adj sg masc gen) "Thy" is sou which means "of you" and "your."
δεῖ ( verb 3rd sg imperf ind act ) "Must" is from, dei, which means "needful," and "there is need."
με (noun sg masc acc) "Me" is eme, which means "I", "me", and "my". --
μεῖναι. ( verb aor inf act ) "Abide" is meno, which, as a verb, it means "stand fast" (in battle), "stay at home", "stay", "tarry", "remain as one was", "abide", and (transitive) "await."