Luke 24:46 ,,,Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:
Because/That in this way it has been written: to be happen to the Anointed and to be made to rise up out of corpses during a third day.
There is some evidence in the Greek that this is not a direct quote but a paraphrase. However, if we treat it like a quote, it seems to ba an answer to one or two question that were not recorded. Grammatically, these words don't really word together otherwise. The KJV solve this problem by not translating some and adding and rearranging words. The two different Greek words,both translated as "thus," are actually the first two words in the Greek. The addition and rearrangement of words goes back to the creation of the Latin Vulgate version.
The first word translated as "thus" introduces a statement of fact or cause. It is translated various ways in the KJV, but it can be consistently translated as "because" and Jesus used it to answer "why" questions. However, it could also mean "that" which would make the clause "he said to them that". This would make the rest of this verse and the following verses paraphrases rather than direct quotes. The next verse has a third person pronoun, which might indicate that this was a paraphrase. This word isn't usually translated in the KJV as "thus" but "that".
"It is written" is the Greek verb that means "to mark", "to express by written characters", "to write a letter", "to write down [a law]", and so on. It has the same root as the "letter" above. It is in the passive in the tense indicating something competed in the past, so "it has been written."
There is no "and" here in the Greek. It actually appears later in the sentence, after words translated as "Christ to suffer" not before. There is only that single "and" in the Greek.
The word translated in KJV as "thus" is in its adverbial form, so it means "in this manner" or "in this way." This is a different word than the first "thus" and it appears right after that word. This word is often translated as "thus" in the KJV.
There is no Greek words meaning "it behoved" in the Greek in the source we now use. This word was added in the Vulgate, from which the KJV Greek was created.
The word translated as "Christ" means "anointed." It is an adjective preceded by an article (the) so it become a noun, "the Anointed." However, it is not in the form of a subject, but an object, which is one reason other words were added or changed. In the NT, it is understood to mean the Messiah, following the anointing of the kings of Israel. The Jews of Jesus's era thought they understood who the Messiah was and the source of his authority. He was a descendant of David, and his authority came from David as "the anointed" king of the Jews. This word appears much earlier in the verse, before the "and".
The verb "to suffer" primarily means "to have done to one", "to have happen to", "to be treated so" or "to pay a penalty." It is in the form of an infinitive, so "to have done to one". It takes an object, which is wny "the Anointed" is in the form of an object. This verb proceeds that word. Though not in the passive form (infinitive do not have "voice") First, the nature of this verb is passive.
The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and", but it also is used to add emphasis ("also").
"To rise " is a Greek verb that means "to make to stand up", "to raise from the dead", "to rouse to action," and "to make people rise up." The form is again an infinitive. And thise verb too takes an object, "to make to rise up".
The Greek preposition translated as "from" means "out of" or "from." In Greek, they use the genitive case instead of a preposition for the types of phrases with usually use with "of."
The word translated as "the dead" means "corpse", "a dying man," and "inanimate, non-organic matter." Christ uses it in all three senses, referring to the actual dead, the spiritually dead, and inanimate matter. There is no article, "the" but it is plural so technically it means "corpses" but we describe "corpses" as "the dead" in English.
The "the third" means both the third in an order and the fraction one third. It is proceeded by the article "the". It and the following word "day" are in a form that usually requires a preposition to describe in English. With time, the right preposition is usually "during" so "during the third."
The Greek word translated as "day" also means "time," in general, and refers specifically to the "daytime."
ὅτι (adv or pron sg neut acc/nom) "Thus" is hoti, which introduces a statement of fact "with regard to the fact that", "seeing that," and acts as a causal adverb meaning "for what", "because", "since," and "wherefore." --
οὕτως (adv) "This: is houtos, which as an adjective means "this", "that", "the nearer." As an adverb, it means "in this way", "therefore", "so much", "to such an extent," and "that is why." -- "This" is translated from a Greek word that means "this", "that", "the nearer."
γέγραπται ( verb 3rd sg perf ind mp ) "It is written" is grapho which means "to mark", "to express by written characters", "to write a letter", "to write down [a law]", "to proscribe", "to ordain", "to write for oneself", "to enroll oneself", "to draw signs", "to describe a figure" "to brand," and "to indict." --
παθεῖν ( verb aor inf act) "Suffer" is from pascho, which means "to have done to one", "to suffer", "to be treated so", "to come to be in a state", "to pay a penalty", "to suffer legal punishment," and "to be ill."
τὸν χριστὸν ( noun sg masc acc ) "Christ" is christos, which means "to be rubber with salve", "used as an ointment," and, of persons, "anointed." ---
καὶ (conj/adv) "And" is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and," or "but." After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also." Also used to give emphasis, "even", "also," and "just." --
ἀναστῆναι ( verb aor inf act )"To rise" is from anistemi, which means "to make stand up", "to raise up", "to raise from sleep", "to wake up", "to raise from the dead", "to rouse to action", "to put up for sale", "to make people rise", "to emigrate", "to transplant," and "to rise and leave the sanctuary." --
ἐκ (prep) "From" is ek, which means 1) [of motion] "out of", "from", "by", "away from;" 2) [of place] "beyond", "outside of", "beyond;" 3) [of succession] "after", "from;" 4) [of rest] "on", "in," 5) [of time] "since", "from", "at", "in;" 5) [of materials] "out of", "made from." --
νεκρῶν (noun pl masc gen ) "The dead" is nekros, which specifically means "a corpse" as well as a "dying person", "the dead as dwellers in the nether world", "the inanimate," and "the inorganic" --
τῇ τρίτῃ (adj sg fem dat) "Third" is from tritos. which is the Greek word for "third" meaning both the third in an order and the fraction one third. --
ἡμέρᾳ, ( noun sg fem dat ) "Day" is hemera, which, as a noun, means "day" "a state or time of life", "a time (poetic)", "day break" and "day time." It is also and also has a second meaning, of "quiet", "tame (animals)", "cultivated (crops)," and "civilized (people)."